Office Moving

Office Moving

Office Moving In New York City

When Your 10-Person Start-Up Becomes a One Thousand-Person IPO

Moving New York’s Businesses Since 1934

Today’s Office and Business Relocation shares some of the same methods of 1934: the Movers, the Trucks, the Files and Furniture, and all of those Boxes and Crates. There is no doubt that Moving is still a highly physical calling. But, so much has also changed…

Office equipment movingToday, we’re Problem Solvers, Project Managers, Space Planners, and Time Consultants. In 1934 we pushed Dollies and Carts, and today we drive Data Collection, Precision Scheduling, and File and Space Allocations. We interweave Office Relocations around the block with shipments moving across the country and from the other side of the globe. We must be knowledgeable, nimble, and resourceful to disassemble, move, and rebuild extensive furniture systems in a matter of hours; we must be able to expertly disconnect and re-deploy hundreds of desk-computers in the course of an evening. And we must be fault-free in every action that we take to recreate your business, whether on the “other side of town” or just one floor above.

Project Management

  • Detailed Staff and Asset Analysis
  • Move Phase Scheduling
  • Pre-Move Task Management
  • File-to-File Allocations
  • Inventory Creation
  • Purge Analysis
  • Asset and Space Labeling
  • Building and Vendor Liaison

Furniture and Space Planning

  • Furniture Re-Configuration
  • Custom Cuts and Builds
  • Certified Carpenters/Installers
  • Ergonomic Work-Flow Planning
  • CAD
  • Construction Vendor Liaison
  • Installation and Mounting
  • Refinishing and Cleaning
  • Furniture, Shelving, Racking

Trucking and Logistics

  • Full File Packing Services
  • Custom Tagging Control
  • Clancy-Crate Container System
  • Dry and Climate-Control Trucks
  • All Power Tail-Gate Fleet
  • Hard and Soft Crating
  • All Movers are Full-Time Employees
  • Labor Harmony Ensured (Teamster-Local 814)

Executive Diamond Service

  • C-Level Executive, Partner
  • All VIP Considerations
  • Expert, Senior Service Crews
  • Extreme Care and Patience
  • Discrete, White-Glove Conduct
  • Drawer-to-Drawer Pack/Move
  • Shelf-to-Shelf Pack/Move
  • Real-Time Photo Verification
  • Art and Certificate packing and Wall-Hanging

IT Disconnect and Reconnect Services

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